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Fat Dissolving injections

DesoBody® and DesoFace® Fat Dissolving injections (Intralipotherapy) are the newest, second generation of fat dissolving treatments. Fat dissolve injections are used for fat reduction, body contouring and inch loss.

The injections contain deoxycholic acid; a bile salt produced by the gallbladder, which is used to break down the fats that we eat. A cost effective, clinically proven and much safer alternative to traditional liposuction, vaser lipo or cryolipolysis (fat freeze).

Although results can be seen from one treatment, a course of at least four treatments, four weeks apart is typically required.  This is a revolutionary, amazing treatment which has just arrived in the UK (known as KYBELLA® in the US).

DesoFace® can be used to reduce localised fat deposits found under the chin, neck, jowls and jawline.  This can be taken as an individual treatment or along with with dermal fillers to provide a complete jawline restructuring/rejuvenation service.

DesoBody® can be used on the upper and lower abdomen, flanks, hips, upper and lower back ('love handles'), inner and outer thighs, arms, buttocks and calves.

Fat dissolve injections are suitable for anyone over the age of 18 who is not pregnant or breastfeeding.  A full clinical consultation is required to determine suitability and rule out any contraindications to treatment.

For DesoBody®, candidates need to have between 1.5 cm and 10 cm pinchable fat (as measured by calipers).  DesoBody® is not suitable for general weight loss - the ideal candidate would be someone who has localised pockets of fat, resistant to dieting. For DesoFace®, the treatment area would need to be sufficient to be able to pinch the fat away from the chin and jawline.


How long does it take and how long before I see results?

Each appointment will be between 60 and 90 minutes (including pre treatment consultation), however, the actual treatment is generally 30 minutes per area.

Fat loss results take approximately 3 - 6 weeks to show, however, the treated area will continue to improve over the coming weeks and months.

Is it safe and does it hurt?

The procedure is extremely safe; data published in the US demonstrate that the risks are very low and side effects are mild. These will be discussed with you during your consultation.

Lidocaine is added into the deoxycholic acid for your comfort. The procedure is very well tolerated and almost pain free. However, there will be a little discomfort (aching, swelling and tenderness) and potential for bruising post treatment for up to seven days.

What is the downtime and aftercare?

There is no downtime as such; clients can go back to doing their normal routine straight after treatment. However, it is recommended that an elastic compression garment is worn post treatment for several days to get the best results and reduce swelling.


Jaw fat removal Aqualyx: £325 per session
Jaw fat & double chin removal in same session: £600
Body fat removal Aqualyx; from £350 per session

45 minute appointment. Local anaesthetic can be used.

Long lasting results seen after 4-6 sessions for body treatments and 1-3 sessions for chin treatments.

Some swelling and temporary redness of the skin or itching is normal and will reduce over a few days.

Speak to use today if you would like more information and to book an appointment.

Fat Dissolving injections

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